Saturday, January 26, 2013

Configuring Kannel with GSM modem

These is sample config for Alcatel X200L(1bbb:0017) We assume that you have setup you modem(for example you have your modem at /dev/ttyUSB0-4)

1. Add kannel to dialout group (/etc/groups)
2. Config some stuff:
Important params:

* device - You should find out on what device you can access the modem with AT commands. So we try all of them from 0 to 4. This device works with 3 and 4.

* init-string - this one is extremely important. If it is not correct you even may not connect to the modem, can't send a message or can't receive DLRs. If you get "got +CMT but pdu_extract failed" message when receive a DLR it is highly possible that the init-string is not the correct one for your device.

Friday, November 30, 2007

PHP B-tree - Add element/node

Here follows an example of creating "Multiway B-Tree".
< br />The implementation is in PHP:

// B-tree
function btree_search( $value, $a, &$higher, $v)
global $tree, $q, $u, $n, $nn;

static $v;

// create new elelemt
if( $tree[$a]['m'] == 0 )
$higher = true;
$v['value'] = $value;
$v['count'] = 1;
$v['p'] = null;

$u = $v;
$cur = $tree[$a];
$l = 1;
$r = $cur['m'];

do// binary search
$k = (int)( ($l + $r)/2);
if( $value <= $cur['el'][$k]['value'] )
$r = $k - 1;
if( $value >= $cur['el'][$k]['value'] )
$l = $k + 1;
}while( $r >= $l);

// found
if( $l - $r > 1)
$higher = false;
if( $r == 0 )
$q = $cur['p0'];
$q = $cur['el'][$r]['p'];

btree_search($value, $q, $higher, $u);
if( $higher )
/* $a !== null. Search key $value in B-tree with root $a;
insert new item with key $value. If an entry is to be passed up,
assign it to $v. $higher = "tree has become higher"

$cur = &$tree[$a];

// !$higher
if( $cur['m'] < $n*2 )
$higher = false;

for( $i=$cur['m']; $i >= $r+2; $i-- )
$cur['el'][$i] = $cur['el'][$i-1];


$cur['el'][$r+1] = $u;

// page $tree[$a]/$cur is full.
// It's partioned and the odd element is moved to v
// add new element to $tree and assign
// the last element's num to $b;
$b = array_push($tree, array());
if( $r <= $n ) // insert in left page $a
if( $r == $n )
$v = $u;
$v = $cur['el'][$n];
for( $i=$n; $i >= $r+2; $i-- )
$cur['el'][$i] = $cur['el'][$i-1];

$cur['el'][$r+1] = $u;
for( $i=1; $i <= $n; $i++ ){
$tree[$b]['el'][$i] = $cur['el'][$i+$n];
unset( $cur['el'][$i+$n] );
else // insert into right page $b
$r = $r-$n;
$v = $cur['el'][$n+1];
for( $i=1; $i <= $r-1; $i++ )
$tree[$b]['el'][$i] = $cur['el'][$i+$n+1];
$tree[$b]['el'][$r] = $u;

for( $i=$r+1; $i <= $n; $i++ )
$tree[$b]['el'][$i] = $cur['el'][$i+$n];

$cur['m'] = $n;
$tree[$b]['m'] = $n;
$tree[$b]['p0'] = $v['p'];
$v['p'] = $b;

$u = $v;
return 1;

$b_tree = array();
// you could create as many trees as you want
// but when you want to work with them use $tree = &$my_tree;
$tree = &$b_tree;
// array for B-tree insert test
// test steps bellow to see how the tree behaves
$values = array(20);
//$values = array(20, 40, 10, 30,15);
//$values = array(20, 40, 10, 30,15, 35, 7, 26, 18, 22);
//$values = array(20, 40, 10, 30,15, 35, 7, 26, 18, 22, 5);
//$values = array(20, 40, 10, 30,15, 35, 7, 26, 18, 22, 5, 42, 13, 46, 27, 8, 32);
//$values = array(20, 40, 10, 30,15, 35, 7, 26, 18, 22, 5, 42, 13, 46, 27, 8, 32, 38, 24, 45, 25 );

$higher = false;
$root = null;
$n = 2;
foreach( $values as $val )

btree_search( $val, $root, $higher, $u);
if( $higher )
$q = $root;
if( count($tree) == 0 )
$tree = array(1=>array());
$root = 1;
$root = array_push($tree, array());

$tree[$root]['m'] = 1;
$tree[$root]['p0'] = $q;

$tree[$root]['el'][1] = $u;

PHP B-tree - Remove element/node

Here follows an example of deleting from "Multiway B-Tree".

PHP code:

function btree_delete($value, $a, &$higher)
/* search and delete key $value in B-tree a; if a page underflow arises,
balance with adjacent page or merge; $higher := "page $a is undersize" */

global $tree, $n;

if( $a === null )
$higher = false;
$l = 1;
$r = $tree[$a]['m'];

// binary search
$k = (int)( ($l + $r)/2 );
if( $value <= $tree[$a]['el'][$k]['value'] )
$r = $k -1;
if( $value >= $tree[$a]['el'][$k]['value'] )
$l = $k +1;
}while( $r >= $l );

if( $r === 0 )
$q = $tree[$a]['p0']; // go to the left
$q = $tree[$a]['el'][$r]['p']; // go to the right

if( $l - $r > 1)
// $a is leaf page
if( $q === null )
$higher = ($tree[$a]['m'] < $n )? true: false;

for( $i=$k; $i <= $tree[$a]['m']; $i++ )
$tree[$a]['el'][$i] = $tree[$a]['el'][$i+1];
btree_del($q,$a, $higher, $k);
if( $higher )
underflow( $a , $q, $r, $higher, $k);
btree_delete( $value, $q, $higher );
if( $higher )
underflow( $a, $q, $r, $higher, $k );


function underflow( $c, $a, $s, &$higher, &$k )
/* $a = underflowing page, $c = ancestor page,
$s = index of deleted entry in c */

global $tree, $n;

$mc = $tree[$c]['m'];

if( $s < $mc )

// $b = page to the right of a
$b = $tree[$c]['el'][$s]['p'];
$mb = $tree[$b]['m'];

// $k = nof items available on page b
$k = (int)( ($mb - $n+1)/2 );

$tree[$a]['el'][$n] = $tree[$c]['el'][$s];

$tree[$a]['el'][$n]['p'] = $tree[$b]['p0'];

if( $k > 0 )// balance by moving k-1 items from $b to $a
for( $i=1; $i <= $k-1; $i++ )
$tree[$a]['el'][$i+$n] = $tree[$b]['el'][$i];
$tree[$c]['el'][$s] = $tree[$b]['el'][$k];
$tree[$c]['el'][$s]['p'] = $b;

$tree[$b]['p0'] = $tree[$b]['el'][$k]['p'];
$mb -= $k;/////// +1

for( $i=1; $i <= $mb; $i++ )
$tree[$b]['el'][$i] = $tree[$b]['el'][$i+$k];
$tree[$b]['m'] = $mb;
$tree[$a]['m'] = $n-1 +$k;
$higher = false;

else// merging a and b, discard b
for( $i=1; $i <= $n; $i++ )
$tree[$a]['el'][$i+$n] = $tree[$b]['el'][$i];
for( $i=$s; $i <= $mc-1; $i++)
$tree[$c]['el'][$i] = $tree[$c]['el'][$i+1];
$tree[$a]['m'] = 2*$n;
$tree[$c]['m'] = $mc - 1;
// $b = page to the left of $a
if( $s == 1 )
$b = $tree[$c]['p0'];
$b = $tree[$c]['el'][$s-1]['p'];
$mb = $tree[$b]['m']+1;
$k = (int)( ($mb - $n)/2 );

if( $k > 0 )
for( $i=$n-1; $i >= 1; $i-- )
$tree[$a]['el'][$i+$k] = $tree[$a]['el'][$i];
$tree[$a]['el'][$k] = $tree[$c]['el'][$s];
$tree[$a]['el'][$k]['p'] = $tree[$a]['p0'];

// move k-1 items from $b to $a, one to $c

$mb -= $k;//////// +1

for( $i=$k-1; $i >= 1; $i-- )
$tree[$a]['el'][$i] = $tree[$b]['el'][$i+$mb];
$tree[$a]['p0'] = $tree[$b]['el'][$mb]['p'];

$tree[$c]['el'][$s] = $tree[$b]['el'][$mb];
$tree[$c]['el'][$s]['p'] = $a;

$tree[$b]['m'] = $mb -1;
$tree[$a]['m'] = $n-1 +$k;

$higher = false;

else //merge pages $a and $b, discard $a
$tree[$b]['el'][$mb] = $tree[$c]['el'][$s];
$tree[$b]['el'][$mb]['p'] = $tree[$a]['p0'];

for( $i=1; $i <= $n-1; $i++ )
$tree[$b]['el'][$i+$mb] = $tree[$a]['el'][$i];
$tree[$b]['m'] = 2*$n;
$tree[$c]['m'] = $mc - 1;

function btree_del($p, $a, &$higher, &$k)
global $tree, $n;

$m = &$tree[$p]['m'];

$q = $tree[$p]['el'][$m]['p'];
if( $q !== null )
btree_del($q, $a, $higher, $k);
if( $higher )
underflow($p, $q, $m, $higher, $k);
$tree[$p]['el'][$m]['p'] = $tree[$a]['el'][$k]['p'];
$tree[$a]['el'][$k] = $tree[$p]['el'][$m];


$higher = ($m < $n )? true: false;

Full example of creating and delete from B-Tree here

Monday, November 26, 2007

PHP Balanced tree - Add element/node

This script add element to the tree if it doesn't exist, if exists just increment it counter.

function search_btree( $value, $ptr, $higher, $ptr0 = 0,$node = 'left' )
global $tree;
$first_run = 1,

if( !$tree[$ptr]['value'] )// insertion
if( !$first_run )// create new element in the tree array - $tree
$tree[] = array();
$ptr = count($tree)-1;

$tree[$ptr0][$node] = $ptr;// put current node in parent's left or right node

}else{// $tree[0] is already create so we just use is
$beginning = $ptr;
$higher = true;

$tree[$ptr]['value'] = $value;
$tree[$ptr]['left'] = null;
$tree[$ptr]['right'] = null;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$tree[$ptr]['count'] = 1;

if( $value < $tree[$ptr]['value'] )
search_btree( $value, $tree[$ptr]['left'], $higher, $ptr );
if( $higher )
switch( $tree[$ptr]['bal'] )
case 1:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$higher = false;
case 0:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = -1;
case -1:
$ptr1 = $tree[$ptr]['left'];
if( $tree[$ptr1]['bal'] == -1) // individualli flip LL

$tree[$ptr]['left'] = $tree[$ptr1]['right'];
$tree[$ptr1]['right'] = $ptr;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;

if( $ptr == $beginning )
$beginning = $ptr1;
// replaces $ptr with $ptr1 in parent left or right node
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $ptr1 );
$ptr = $ptr1;
$ptr2 = $tree[$ptr1]['right'];

$tree[$ptr1]['right'] = $tree[$ptr2]['left'];
$tree[$ptr2]['left'] = $ptr1;

$tree[$ptr]['left'] = $tree[$ptr2]['right'];
$tree[$ptr2]['right'] = $ptr;

if( $tree[$ptr2]['bal'] == -1 )
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 1;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;

if( $tree[$ptr2]['bal'] == 1 )
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = -1;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 0;

if( $ptr == $beginning )
$beginning = $ptr2;
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $ptr2 );
$ptr = $ptr2;

$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$higher = false;
else if( $value > $tree[$ptr]['value'] )
search_btree( $value, $tree[$ptr]['right'], $higher, $ptr, 'right' );
if( $higher )
switch( $tree[$ptr]['bal'] )
case -1:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$higher = false;
case 0:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 1;
case 1:
$ptr1 = $tree[$ptr]['right'];
if( $tree[$ptr1]['bal'] == 1 )// individualli flip RR

$tree[$ptr]['right'] = $tree[$ptr1]['left'];
$tree[$ptr1]['left'] = $ptr;

$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;

if( $ptr == $beginning )
$beginning = $ptr1;
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $ptr1 );
$ptr = $ptr1;

$ptr2 = $tree[$ptr1]['left'];

$tree[$ptr1]['left'] = $tree[$ptr2]['right'];
$tree[$ptr2]['right'] = $ptr1;

$tree[$ptr]['right'] = $tree[$ptr2]['left'];
$tree[$ptr2]['left'] = $ptr;

if( $tree[$ptr2]['bal'] == 1 )
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = -1;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;

if( $tree[$ptr2]['bal'] == -1 )
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 1;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 0;

if( $ptr == $beginning )
$beginning = $ptr2;

replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $ptr2 );
$ptr = $ptr2;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$higher = false;
$higher = false;
return $beginning;
//replaces $old_ptr with $new_ptr in the parent node's left or right node
function replace_pointer_link( $old_ptr, $new_ptr )
global $tree;

for( $i=0; $i < count($tree); $i++)
if( $i === $new_ptr )
continue;//prevents replacing $old_ptr with $new_ptr in $tree[$new_ptr]

// if $tree[$i]['left'] is empty and we are checking for link to node 0($old_ptr=0),
// ('' == 0)==true, but ('' === 0)==false
// we don't need to put link to node 0 on empty nodes
if( $tree[$i]['left'] === $old_ptr ){
$tree[$i]['left'] = $new_ptr;
elseif( $tree[$i]['right'] === $old_ptr)
$tree[$i]['right'] = $new_ptr;

// Example:

$my_tree = array();
// you could create as many trees as you want
// but when you want to work with them use $tree = &$my_tree;
$tree = &$my_tree;
$start = 0;

// test all 4 cases of rebalancing when
// adding element in balanced tree
$values = array( 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6);
foreach( $values as $val )
$start = search_btree( $val, $start, false);
echo "<html><body>";
echo "start=$start;";
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $my_tree );
echo "</pre>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "</body></html>";



PHP Balanced tree - Remove element/node

Delete element from balanced tree:

//replaces $old_ptr with $new_ptr in the parent node's left or right node
function replace_pointer_link( $old_ptr, $new_ptr )
global $tree;

for( $i=0; $i < count($tree); $i++)
if( $i === $new_ptr )
continue;//prevents replacing $old_ptr with $new_ptr in $tree[$new_ptr]

// if $tree[$i]['left'] is empty and we are checking for link to node 0($old_ptr=0),
// ('' == 0)==true, but ('' === 0)==false
// we don't need to put link to node 0 on empty nodes
if( $tree[$i]['left'] === $old_ptr ){
$tree[$i]['left'] = $new_ptr;
elseif( $tree[$i]['right'] === $old_ptr)
$tree[$i]['right'] = $new_ptr;

function delete( $value, $ptr, $higher)
global $tree, $q, $start;
static $higher;

if( !$tree[$ptr]['value'] )
$higher = false;
elseif( $value < $tree[$ptr]['value'] )
delete( $value, $tree[$ptr]['left'], $higher );
if( $higher )
balance1( $ptr, $higher);
elseif ( $value > $tree[$ptr]['value'] )
delete( $value, $tree[$ptr]['right'], $higher );
if( $higher )
balance2( $ptr, $higher);
$q = $ptr;
if( $tree[$q]['right'] === null )
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $tree[$q]['left'] );
$higher = true;
elseif( $tree[$q]['left'] === null )
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $tree[$q]['right']);
$higher = true;
del( $tree[$q]['left'], $higher );
if( $higher )
balance1( $ptr, $higher);


function balance1( $ptr, &$higher)
global $tree, $start;
switch( $tree[$ptr]['bal'] ){
case -1:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;// after del tree is balanced
case 0://after deletion tree is higher in the right side
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 1;
$higher = false;
case 1: // tree must be rebalanced
$ptr1 = $tree[$ptr]['right'];
$bal1 = $tree[$ptr1]['bal'];

if( $bal1 >= 0 )// single flip RR
$tree[$ptr]['right'] = $tree[$ptr1]['left'];
$tree[$ptr1]['left'] = $ptr;

if( $bal1 == 0 )
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 1;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = -1;
$higher = false;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 0;

// start pointer is replaced we need to change $start
if( $ptr == $start )
$start = $ptr1;
replace_pointer_link($ptr, $ptr1);
else // double flip RL
$ptr2 = $tree[$ptr1]['left'];
$bal2 = $tree[$ptr2]['bal'];

$tree[$ptr1]['left'] = $tree[$ptr2]['right'];
$tree[$ptr2]['right'] = $ptr1;

$tree[$ptr]['right'] = $tree[$ptr2]['left'];
$tree[$ptr2]['left'] = $ptr;

if( $bal2 == 1 )
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = -1;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
if( $bal2 == -1 )
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 1;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 0;

if( $ptr == $start )
$start = $ptr2;
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $ptr2);
$tree[$ptr2]['bal'] = 0;


function balance2( $ptr, &$higher )
global $tree, $start;
switch( $tree[$ptr]['bal'] )
case 1:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
case 0:
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] =-1;
$higher = false;
case -1:
$ptr1 = $tree[$ptr]['left'];
$bal1 = $tree[$ptr1]['bal'];

if( $bal1 <= 0 )// single flip LL
$tree[$ptr]['left'] = $tree[$ptr1]['right'];
$tree[$ptr1]['right'] = $ptr;

if( $bal1 == 0 )
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = -1;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 1;
$higher = false;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 0;
if( $ptr == $start )
$start = $ptr1;
replace_pointer_link( $ptr, $ptr1);
else// double flip LR
$ptr2 = $tree[$ptr1]['right'];
$bal2 = $tree[$ptr2]['bal'];

$tree[$ptr1]['right'] = $tree[$ptr2]['left'];
$tree[$ptr2]['left'] = $ptr1;

$tree[$ptr]['left'] = $tree[$ptr2]['right'];
$tree[$ptr2]['right'] = $ptr;

if( $bal2 == -1 )
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 1;
$tree[$ptr]['bal'] = 0;
if( $bal2 == 1 )
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = -1;
$tree[$ptr1]['bal'] = 0;

if( $ptr == $start )
$start = $ptr2;
replace_pointer_link($ptr, $ptr2);
$tree[$ptr2]['bal'] = 0;

function del( $ptr, &$higher )
global $tree, $q;
if( $tree[$ptr]['right'] )
del( $tree[$ptr]['right'], $higher);
if( $higher )
balance2( $ptr, $higher);
$tree[$q]['value'] = $tree[$ptr]['value'];
$tree[$q]['count'] = $tree[$ptr]['count'];

replace_pointer_link($ptr, $tree[$ptr]['left']);
if( $ptr == $start )
$start = $tree[$ptr]['left'];

$higher = true;
$my_tree = array();
// you could create as many trees as you want
// but when you want to work with them use $tree = &$my_tree;
$tree = &$my_tree;
$start = 0;

// array for testing deletion in balanced tree
$values = array(5, 3, 8, 2, 4, 7, 10, 1, 6, 9, 11);

foreach( $values as $val )
$start = search_btree( $val, $start, false);
echo "<html><body>";
echo "start=$start;";
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $my_tree );

delete( 4, $start, false);
delete( 8, $start, false);
delete( 6, $start, false);
delete( 5, $start, false);
delete( 2, $start, false);
delete( 1, $start, false);
delete( 7, $start, false);

echo "start=$start<br>";

echo "</pre>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "</body></html>";


PHP Generate perfectly balanced tree

The script that follows generates perfectly balanced tree with "n" nodes:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PHP Eight queens

Here is recursive algorithm solving the problem with eight queens which don't threaten each other:

function check( $i )
global $column, $rows, $left_d, $right_d;
for( $j = 1; $j <= 8; $j++ )
// check is the row and both diagonals are free
if( $rows[$j] && $left_d[$i+$j] && $right_d[$i-$j] )
$column[$i] = $j;//put the qeen on the $i column in the $j position

//set row and diagonals to occupied
$rows[$j] = false;
$left_d[$i+$j] = false;
$right_d[$i-$j] = false;

// if $i == last column(8) we print the results
if( $i < 8 )
check( $i + 1 );

//unset row and diagonals
$rows[$j] = true;
$left_d[$i+$j] = true;
$right_d[$i-$j] = true;

function print_results()
global $column;
foreach( $column as $value )
echo $value ."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

echo "<br />\n";

for( $i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++ )
$rows[$i] = true;

for( $i = 2; $i <= 16; $i++ )
$left_d[$i] = true;

for( $i = -7; $i <= 7; $i++ )
$right_d[$i] = true;
